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What happens at Emma’s Yoga Hut when you aren’t there?

Ever wondered what happens after the lovely yogis of Emma’s Yoga Hut head home? Well...After every class, as soon as everyone has left, the door is left wide open and the window too. The hut is left to air for an absolute minimum of 30 minutes, no matter how cold it is outside!

Then I break out the cleaning kit and get to cleaning todays yoga mats. Then they are rolled up and put into quarantine for at least 5 days.

After that the mop and the floor cleaner comes out, the floors are mopped thoroughly. The antibacterial cleaning spray comes back out to wipe down touch points, door handles, the handle of the gate and even the walls if we have done any wall based work that class.

Once that is done the floor is vacuumed, any dusting that needs doing gets done, the diffuser emptied and the hut locked up, with one last wipe over the door handles for good measure. If any blankets were used they are put straight in to the laundry so they are soft, fluffy and super clean, all ready for their next outing!

Before the next class I take a lateral flow test, new mats are rolled out, touch points are re-wiped and the heating is put on to warm us up nicely, carefully chosen yoga music is put on, the fairy lights are turned on and that nights essential oil combination added to the diffuser, all ready to welcome more beautiful yogis for their small group yoga session!

Doing what I can to keep the lovely people who come to Emma's Yoga Hut safe and well is my absolute priority! On this note, the new yoga timetable for courses and workshops will be released soon, I am just pausing to see what happens next with the latest adventures in pandemic land, hopefully how things might look by January will become clear in the next week or so, as soon as it is courses and workshops will be put onto the website!

So there you go, the secret life of Emma’s Yoga Hut!

With love,

Emma xx

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