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New! Full Moon Menopause Circle at Emma's Yoga Hut

Last spring I went to a beautiful equinox event which included a talking circle. It was such a lovely experience, life affirming, reassuring and deeply human, which in a world where our interactions are being replaced regularly with automation feels more valuable than ever. I was inspired to learn more, I read books, went to more circles and, finally only a week or two ago I took a training course in how to hold circles!

Talking circles are based on ancient traditions of pretty much every society, where once we gathered around a fire and spoke, or sat cooking or sewing in a group, that communication and community outlet is not one that exists for most people in modern life.

Talking circles are a safe space where you come to both talk and listen. Or even just listen if you do not want to talk.

There is something very powerful about being heard, listened to without comment or judgement. Did you know that most of our speech isn’t truly heard, in fact only about 17% of what we say is fully listened to (those of you with children might feel like that figure is closer to 1%!) It works the other way too, it is somehow soothing, as well as enlightening, listening to someone talk without interruption, you don’t have to worry about finding something intelligent or funny to say in response, you don’t have to worry about whether you agree or disagree, you can simply fully listen. Many people report their time in circle as being helpful, healing and sometimes every transformative.

Full Moon Menopause circle is aimed at those approaching menopause, those experiencing peri-menopause and those who are recently post-menopausal too. Basically, if you feel like you could do with a bit of a share about what the heck is going on in your body and mind then this could be a good place to be!

Why is it full moon menopause circle? Well, traditionally the full moon is a time to let go in order to be renewed, just as the moon herself does. And sometimes verbalising our feelings and experiences in a non pressured way is an effective pathway towards letting go of what we no longer need. As we enter menopause we are also stepping away from the lunar cycle that we have been linked to through our menstrual cycles that have been a significant part of or lives through the last 3 decades.

If you have never been to a talking circle and you are curious about how this is different to just going for a drink and a good old chat with a friend then let me outline the process to you.

A circle starts with a welcome and a few moments grounding, so just arriving, sitting with the breath, taking some guided time to leave the usual noise of life behind before the circle is opened. As the circle is something akin to a sacred space there are candles and seasonal flowers to mark the area as special and significant. We then go around the circle and allow everyone to introduce themselves – even if they know each other, and when doing so maybe say a word or a sentence as to how they are today.

We then move on to taking the opportunity to talk – in turn – in confidence – uninterrupted for just a few minutes as the others listen, there are timers so that everyone gets a turn, and if you have nothing to say, that is fine. It isn’t a conversation, and it is a lovely a learning experience to sit quietly and allow someone to formulate their thoughts and words without the usual social pressures. There are gentle rules to ensure respectful, meaningful listening, speaking and turn taking which also differentiate it from the usual natter!

When the circle holder (me!) closes the circle everything within that circle stays there, we reconnect back in to our breath and bodies briefly and then enjoy a warm drink and something delicious and homemade to nibble on if you would like. A sense of community, of belonging, of understanding how we are all alike rather than different often stays with us after a circle and it can be nice to stay and bask in that for a short while.

The October full moon is called the Hunters Moon, as the moon is large and bright enough to hunt by. This full moon will see the first Full Moon Menopause Circle at Emma’s Yoga Hut - Sunday 29 October 7 – 8pm.

If you think that this is something you might enjoy and benefit from then please go to the classes section to book on. Investment: £7. Spaces are limited to 5.

I hope to see you there!

With love,

Emma xx

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