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Live the Dream! Super Soothing Sunday Sessions.

Picture this: You have reached Sunday afternoon, coming to the close of the end of the weekend, you have done all the bits that needed doing, spent time with loved ones, the kids homework is done (you hope!) you are set up for Monday at work, you have enjoyed a restful/ busy weekend doing lots of things, running from job to job. So, you set off for 90 minutes to yourself, wearing some lovely comfortable clothes you can move freely in, some fluffy socks, an extra layer to keep cosy and a water bottle.

You arrive at a peaceful, small yoga studio, where a gorgeous aromatic blend of soothing essential oils meets you, candles and fairy lights light the room and a friendly and relaxed group of 2 other people and Emma (your yoga instructor!) are all settling in and getting ready for some yoga practice. It is warm and cosy despite the open window. A freshly cleaned yoga mat is awaiting you, along with soft fluffy, freshly washed blankets and a yoga bolster. Quiet, soothing music meets your ears, it has been especially chosen to create quiet ambience rather than intrude on your mind. It feels a bit like being in a rather nice spa!

After you have been welcomed to the studio and to your mat, you are gently and clearly guided through some soothing restorative yoga poses. Holding poses for up to 5 minutes at a time, you may think this sounds daunting initially, but you have all the support you need from bolsters and blankets. These supported poses give you all the benefits of the yoga pose, but without the stress on the body, so your body and mind can fully rest and recuperate as your parasympathetic nervous system is activated and your whole system gets that rest and digest memo! The stress hormones dial down, and the happy and relaxed neurotransmitters get to doing their important repair and recuperation work on the body, mind and soul.

Your mind is kept from worrying about your to do list with simple breathing techniques, gentle suggestions and the odd poem or reading designed to leave your mind with something positive and life affirming to gently place its focus on. It is all quiet, restful and very gentle. Even if you have never done any yoga in all your life, this is a good place to be!

After several nourishing and nurturing restorative poses you are guided into a supported savasana. Savasana is just yoga speak for lying down! You have bolsters and blankets to support your body and a soft blanket to cover you to keep you warm and cosy. Your only job now is to be as comfortable as possible. You are then guided through a Yoga Nidra, which is a special extended form of guided meditation. It is incredibly nurturing and kind. There is a body scan, followed by some breath work and then some very beautiful visualisation techniques. Here your body and mind are taken to a liminal space between awake and asleep where you are deeply resting yet aware. You might even drift in and out of sleep a bit, and that is absolutely fine! You are gently bought back to the mat and back to the room for a moments reset before the class is finished.

You get your things, maybe have some water, perhaps exchange a few words with your classmates and then step outside to head home having chosen to invest 90 minutes in yourself, uninterrupted by anyone else; feeling calm, centred and ready to end the weekend in a rested and refreshed way. Chances are you will sleep well tonight and wake fabulously refreshed and clear headed for Monday morning!

Ahhh. That sounds nice doesn’t it?

Well. On Sunday 30th January 2022 it can be your actual real life Sunday experience. Leave someone else to cook dinner while you are out between 1700 – 1830 and enjoy ninety minutes of quality time for yourself! Investment £15. Places limited to 3 people.

With love,

Emma xx

(Emma runs Emma’s Yoga Hut in Earley. A tiny garden studio for small group yoga tuition. She is a yoga student and yoga teacher and has practiced yoga for 25 years. She trained with the Traditional Yoga Association right here in Reading between 2016 and 2018 to achieve her 500 hour yoga teaching accreditation. She has additional teaching qualifications in Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra which she subsequently undertook online during the great lockdown of 2020. Emma tries her best to practice yoga every day, especially doing the lovely long relaxing savasana bits!)

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