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January Blues.

Hello! Hope this blog post finds you well?

So, Monday 17th January is “Blue Monday” the most depressing day of the year 2022, apparently. It is the day when full reality has kicked back in post Christmas, routines are back in place, there is STILL a pandemic, its also the date by which a lot of idealistic and broad New Years resolutions have fallen by the wayside. Plus, it is also a Monday, natch! I think in amongst all this is also the reality of Seasonal Affective Disorder, which, for me at least, is often delayed by the prospect of Christmas, lots of cheese, and plenty of fairy lights, but when that all stops there can be a definite slump. Vitamin D and a SAD lamp help a little for me. What would help more is a week sat in the sunshine on a beach with a stack of novels and A LOT of pina coladas…. but, back in the real world!

So, what can you do to combat the most depressing day of the year or just the general slump of January and, lets be honest, February, cos that isn’t much better either!?

Well, firstly, be kind to yourself. It is normal to feel lower on energy and a little more inward looking at this time of year. It is a time for reflection and quiet so you can step into spring and summer ready to bloom all over again. This reflection and quiet isn’t just a mid winter Christmas thing, and the New Year often gives and artificial sense of needing to switch into a new mode all of a sudden. Think of all the societal pressure out there to do crazy stuff like get to the gym for 2 hours every day and begin eating only raw greens for every meal! Christmas excesses will slowly come off in their own time, or some of them will and some of them won’t, and all that is fine. It is still mid winter, it is still a time when nature is very much at rest (apart from a few brave early spring bulbs popping their heads up!) so we should expect to feel indoorsy, low energy and inward looking too, and that is fine, be gentle with yourself, if you want blankets and movies every night then take blankets and movies every night. Your body has a wisdom far far beyond what we are told we should or shouldn’t do by marketing departments!

Secondly, getting outdoors is so hard this time of year, especially when it is grey, wet and cold. But in reality there is nothing that is going to make you feel better than some time in nature. A quick turn around the local park or lake or anywhere really, the more nature there is the better. All this releases endorphins and serotonin and all the feel good neurotransmitter stuff. Walking has been proven to lift mood because of this and is, obviously, good for you. Add some trees and water and grass to the mix and it becomes a double shot of good stuff. Plus, as far as I am concerned there is nothing better than getting back indoors on a horrible day, because that way you sure do appreciate the warm and dry of your home and you have earnt yourself a hot drink and a biscuit!

On that biscuity note, if you are feeling low energy and low mood don’t punish yourself with strict food regimes post Christmas. Just eat some good healthy stuff, and obviously keep working through any leftover Christmas treats in between the good healthy stuff! There are some foods which are supposed to improve your mood, but I suspect your body knows exactly what it wants and likes day by day, for me at this time of year I am all about the root vegetables, roasted, baked in layers, mashed, turned into soups and stews. I am guessing that is simply because this is seasonal food, and thus the food with the greatest nutritional value, and the food that our ancestors would have eaten at this time. Today I have a huge ugly gnarled beast of a celeriac in the fridge. Its going to be turned into a slow baked creamy, cheesey leek and celeriac gratin. Cannot wait! Here a link to the recipe if you find yourself with a spare Celariac! Cheesy celeriac, leek & rosemary gratin recipe | BBC Good Food

Finally, the yoga, there are loads of mood lifting yoga poses, anything heart opening (think back bends!) anything where our arms are up and back, all these open the chest area which has 2 advantages, one if lifts your mood, and two it reverses the considerable physical impact of living in an environment where we are constantly forward leaning; driving, texting, computer work.

If you are familiar with these poses then have a go at sphinx and locust pose, don't forget to take a lovely Balasana (childs pose) after to counter pose! But, as always, listen carefully to your body and remember - Ahimsa! A few back bends will lift your energy levels in no time! Once you have done them just sit quietly for a moment and notice how the body feels.

Next weeks yoga classes at Emma’s Yoga Hut are going to be all about the heart opening poses and back bends!

And if you are struggling with a low mood in January that is not going to be touched by a hearty stew a back bend and a walk, then absolutely reach out and get help, reach out to family or friends or seek outside support from your GP or counselling service if that feels more comfortable, sometimes families aren’t supportive, and sometimes friends feel scarce or are dealing with too much of their own stuff, so go outside to professional bodies or charitable bodies that can support and help you. There are low moods and then there are more serious issues and these things need to be treated appropriately. Especially as we are at 2 years into a global pandemic, there has been a lot of things to cope with that we have no prior experience of coping with on top of the general pressures of life. You are not alone, there is support out there. And, remember, moods are like the weather and you are the sky, it might feel grey and drizzly, it might feel like there is an almighty storm ripping the sky apart, whatever it is, it will pass eventually even if it does not feel like that right now.

Take care,

With love

Emma xx

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