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Chair Yoga Videos

Chair yoga mini videos for your home practice! 

Week 6
Sitting towards front of the chair, feet comfortably wide, making sure ankles are underneath knees. Lift the arms up overhead, then fold down to wherever is right for you - elbows on knees, hands on shins or all the way to the feel. Then move to the right - again, hands on knees, shin or feet. Return to upright and repeat other side. Flow through a few rounds! 
Pink Clouds
Week 5
A lovely little sequence for the shoulders and back. sitting towards front of the chair, lift the arms up overhead, then take the left arm down to the left leg and slide the hand down to wherever it reaches.  Then move into a forward fold. Do the same on the other side! Repeat as often as you like. 
Pink Clouds
Pink Clouds

Week 4

This week our home practice is a small part of the moon salutation sequence. Stretching into shoulders and arms, gently strengthening hips, thighs and the whole back, side and front of the body; we start with a seated five pointed star, goddess pose and end with a gentle side bend. To set yourself up sit towards the front of your chair, keep the feet firmly planted on the ground - ankles under knees to look after the knee joint.

Moon Salutations are a gorgeously peaceful flow of yoga poses which connect to the cooling, introspective and nurturing properties associated with the Moon in Yoga. Enjoy!

Week 3

This weeks chair yoga: Coming towards the front of your chair, one leg bent - foot flat on ground knee and ankle stacked - the other leg comes out straight (ish!) to the side, slide the hand down the staight leg, the opposite arm comes up, opening into the shoulders and chest. then moving to an extended side angle bend by taking the elbow over to the opposite knee. stretching into the spine, shoulders and chest.

Pink Clouds
Pink Clouds
Pink Clouds

Week 2


These 2 movements gently work the abdominal muscles and the obliques whilst stretching and releasing tension from the shoulders, neck and upper back. Make sure your feet are flat on the ground with knees and ankles stacked and that you start from a lovely tall position - lift the crown of the head to the sky! Enjoy!

Week 1
Seated side bend moving into a twist, beautiful for releasing in to the shoulders and side body whilst stretching and gently rotating the the torso and spine. Make sure feet are flat on ground and crown of head lifted - roll the shoulders up back and down!


Pink Clouds
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